ITWS Student Leadership Elections

Good afternoon ITWS!
The time has come to hold elections for Student Leadership.  The candidates are all listed below with a brief paragraph about why they would like to run for their chosen office.  Please email me your three selections (1 - President, 2 - VP, 3 - Class Rep) by midnight on Tuesday May 10th. 
Good luck to all the candidates.
Happy voting!
Lessa Shear

Andrew Karnani:
For the past two years I have been a part of the ITWS student leadership.  These two years have seen significant changes to the department from the name, to the creation of a new lab space for all of us to use.  I have greatly enjoyed my time on student leadership and have learned a lot.  I hope to have the opportunity to continue to serve this amazing department for another year.

David Molik:
I would like to become your IT President. I want to give back to the community that has nurtured me as I matured a college student. The IT Department has seen to my needs as a student and I want to give back to them in my most capable capacity. I want to improve the student body leadership into the best version of itself. It has always been a goal of mine to improve the environment in which my community lives. Most of all, I want to help others.
I am a proven leader in education and experiences. My times as a boy scout saw to it that I would have many experiences as a boy scout. Here at RPI I have taken courses were I have had a leadership role and taken classes that more directly taught on leadership. I have a vested interest and a genuine care in the Information Technology and Web Science department. And finally, I am willing to spend the time commitment to always do a good job and to listen

Vice President
Kevin Ung:
Fellow classmates my name is Kevin Ung and I am running for the position of Vice-President of Student Leadership within our program. As the Class of 2013 Class Representative, I took part in creating a vision and the implementation of an ITWS Student Lab. To accurately voice your opinions I asked Andrew Karnani (the President) if ITWS Student Leadership can host a town hall meeting to find out what our students wanted in the lab space. Something that came up time and time again was the want for couches or comfortable seating. With the help of Lessa, I coordinated the efforts of getting the couches donated by Donald from the student health center. I also coordinated the efforts of arranging and rearranging the lab space until we found something that allowed for a working environment that encompasses a social atmosphere.
For next year, I believe we should host more social events. Whether it is a social outing for ITWS Students (with or without alumni) or a LAN party, the close-knit community of our program allows us to host events like these. It is what defines our identity as an interdisciplinary program here at Rensselaer. So vote for me, Kevin Ung, as your next Vice-President of ITWS Student Leadership!

Senior Representative
Adjoa Addae-Mintah:
My name is Adjoa Addae-Mintah and I am running for Senior Representative.  I would like to be your Senior Representative because I want to be more involved in what happens in ITWS, I will bring a unique voice to our student leadership and I am qualified to do the job.  As an ITWS student I do not think that I have been involved enough in the program and I would like to change that especially in this time of growth and improvement the program is going through.  For the past two years the student leadership has been all male, as a female and underrepresented minority I will bring a different perspective to the ITWS Student Leadership.  Lastly I am qualified for this position because I have held leadership roles such as: Class Representative for the Black Students’ Alliance, Vice President for the African and Caribbean Students Association, and Web Chair for the 32nd Annual NSBE/SHPE Career Fair.  So vote for me as your next Senior Representative, Thank You. 

AJ Quartararo:
After being the representative for the Class of 2012 for the past 3 years, I have become more involved with each passing year. I have, to the best of my ability, addressed any concerns that my class has had, and have invested a lot of time into the Lab space. I would like to represent the class for my senior year because I have made a connection with many of my fellow classmates, and believe I am the best candidate for the position.

Junior Representative
Mike Chamberlin:
I would like to be your next Junior Representative in the ITWS Student
Leadership.  I have worked closely with many of you over these past two
years and I believe I would be an excellent choice to represent our class.
I have experience working in a leadership position from my years of

working as a supervisor at Six Flags New England.  I bring several
strengths to this position!  I am:
- Organized, with great time management skills

- Hard working and dependable
- Open-minded and approachable
- Able to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas
I think the lab space the ITWS Student Leadership created this year is

amazing! ITWS is an awesome department and as your representative I would
like to hear your thoughts related to how you think we can make our
program even better! I would like to help create similar projects to help
make our college experiences even better.
Please vote for me, MIKE CHAMBERLIN, for Junior Representative of the ITWS

Student Leadership.
Wishing you good luck with your finals and hoping you all have a wonderful


Rick Hamant:
Hi, my name is Rick Hamant and I am running for the position of ITWS Junior Class
Representative. I am currently a 2013 Class Council Representative in which I serve as the
Publicity Committee Chair and the Food for Finals Co-Chair. I am also the President of Photo
Club and will be an SO/NRB Advisor this summer. This past fall, I participated in the meetings
to establish a timeline and phases for the implementation of the ITWS Student Lab in Lally. As a
CEO for IT & Society, I have already seen the benefits this new space has provided for the ITWS
program and my fellow students. I would like to see this space further developed and utilized
by the ITWS student body. My experience in student leadership, activities, and support around
campus provides me with the qualifications needed to effectively represent juniors in ITWS. As
the Junior Representative, I would like to increase our sense of community within IT to increase
collaboration and support between students. I look forward to being your representative.

Alex Lahuerta:
My name is Alexander Lahuerta. I am nominating myself for Junior class representative because I would like to be in a better position to advocate ITWS at RPI for prospective students. I am a transfer student finishing up his first semester here, and have really enjoyed my time here so far. Vote for me so I can work to get more people involved in ITWS here.

Sophomore Representative
Alex Bulazel:
Hello, I am running as Sophomore Class Representative for the ITWS Leadership Council. This year I worked as Freshman Class Representative, which meant attending council meetings every Friday, presenting about our department to prospective students, and staffing the IT Lab every Wednesday night. I hope to be on the council next year so I can continue to represent the Class of 2014. 
Thank you,
Alex Bulazel

Michael Fox:
I want to be the sophomore representative because I want to be more
involved in the program, especially when it comes to the decision making
process of student leadership.  During my high school career I was
involved in making similar decisions for their IT program thus giving me
a broad wealth of experience in this capacity.  Because of this, I feel
as though I have the drive and knowledge to get people more involved in
the program whilst ensuring that they get the most benefit from it.
Michael Fox, MCSA, MCTS


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