Gamma Nu Eta - Volunteer Project at Unity House

This semester Gamma Nu Eta, the ITWS Honor Society, decided to volunteer their time to refurbish and install new computers for a local non-profit charity based out of Troy, NY.  They meet twice during the semester to reformat and install new software on nine (9) computers.  Special thanks to Joe Dougherty for taking extra time to lead the committee for this project.  

Last Thursday, May 12, 2011, four GNH members took a trip down to the Unity House Sunshine Program School Building to drop off the refurbished computers loaded with educational software.  These computers were placed into the classrooms and will be used to teach children basic computer skills, and with the assistance of the educational software will help the children learn other basic skills.  
Tyler Wilkin, Rebecca Camara, Ivette Alfonso, Joe Dougherty, and Lindsey Poirier in front of the Unity House Sunshine Program Building.  

Ivette Alfonso, Child Care Program Manager for the Sunshine Program met us and directed the GNH members where to install the nine computers.  Children (and teachers) gathered around to watch the setup and were eager to play on the new computers.  
 Joe Dougherty showing the children the new computer.  
We still need four (4) monitors to help Unity House so please let Lessa know if you can help out.  

Great job GNH and thank you!


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