ITWS Alumni Sean Austin

Sean Austin, B.S. ITWS '11, has been working with music start-up Tunigo since August 2012 as US Marketing Director. In June, Spotify acquired the start-up with the goal of rolling the music discovery curators into their own operation. Spotify will be going up against Apple, Google, Pandora and soon-to-be-announced Beats Music for the go-to global music streaming service in the coming months.

"As a Information Technology & Web Science student, I became fascinated with the acceleration of technology into all industries of society. As a passionate music lover and classically trained in piano, I wanted to merge the two loves since I was a sophomore. I worked on a start-up for several years while attending school which focused on mobile applications and had some success... outside the music domain though. A year ago, I had the opportunity to spin-off my own start-up that focused solely on music in the interactive mobile app space. The investment money had me quickly off down a development path, but also, got attention from a music producer who was involved in a burgeoning streaming service start-up. With the mission of music discovery at the forefront of this existing company, Tunigo, and my new start-up appropriately designated Descovery LLC, I made the decision to delay my development in order to work with this new, exciting company. A little over eight months after taking that plunge, Spotify determined Tunigo was a prime acquisition target. This provided insights into how acquisitions occur from the inside, how responsibilities change so quickly from start-up to large organization and how to always keep your goals aligned. As a Spotify employee now, I hope to continue this exhilarating growth path of music and technology."

Sean will be attending an event in early December as part of the Start Up Tech Valley Community Event Series. Additional details about the event are forthcoming.


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