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Want to Be a “Tetherless World Engineer”?

Want to Be a “Tetherless World Engineer”?

Chloe Green of Information Age recently wrote, “The next generation of digital professionals will need a far broader set of skills than today’s IT workers. Beyond simply installing and managing systems, they will need to find ways to use technology to support communication, collaboration and innovation. That is the thinking behind a new Masters’ course at Bath Spa University, dubbed ‘Creative Technology and Enterprise.’ Most creative technology courses are aimed at students who want to join the creative industries, such as music, graphic design or broadcast, and offer training in digital media. Bath Spa’s new course, by contrast, is designed specifically to train up employees for conventional businesses. It is a hybrid of computing, creativity and business that reflects the ‘transdisciplinary’ nature of the economy, and aims to inspire students to think beyond the boundaries that divide those fields.”
Green continues, “This is what Professor Andrew Hugill, director of Bath Spa University’s Department of Creative Computing, calls ‘creative technologist’ thinking… Hugill and his colleagues have identified around 20 ‘creative technologist’ roles, which they believe will be required by businesses by 2017. Some of them are fairly straightforward. A ‘collective intelligence officer’, for example, will manage and secure a company’s valuable intellectual resources… One of the more intringuingly titled roles is that of a ‘tetherless world engineer’. Based on a concept coined by web inventor Tim Berners-Lee and semantic web pioneer Jim Hendler, this role will be to help organisations manage knowledge assets in a way that is divorced from devices and systems.”
Image: Courtesy Flickr/ tuppus


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