TWed Talk this Week: Dominic DiFranzo presents "Web Science 101" (Weds, 7p, Winslow Building)

Subject: [tetherless] TWed Talk this Week: Dominic DiFranzo presents "Web Science 101" (Weds, 7p, Winslow Building)
"There's always something happening on Wednesday Nights in the Tetherless World!" <>
"Web Science 101"

Web Science is a new, emerging field that studies the World Wide Web
and its impact on both society and technology[1].  Web Science seeks
to understand the multi-faceted nature of the Web and its development
as key communicational and representational system that enables
information systems to be decentralized. In this talk TWC graduate
student Dominic DiFranzo will lead us through a discussion of the many
areas and disciplines that make up Web Science, the goals, questions
and themes of Web Science, and  what research has currently been taken
in this area. We will also discuss the Web Science Trust, the
collection of labs and Universities in the Web Science Trust (which
includes RPI's Tetherless World Constellation), and review the Web
Science Research Center's specific goals and responsibilities in the
Web Science community.

TWC and Computer Sciences graduate student Dominic DiFranzo
<> is interested in the
Semantic Web, Social Machines and the application of Linked Open Data.
Dominic has been a frequent speaker at conferences on Web
Science-related topics. Dominic is also the reknowned leader of the
performance art collective "DotC" (Dominic on the Couch)...

Please join us to kick off the Fall 2012 TWed series with what
promises to be an interesting and lively discussion of a new science
specifically focused on the future of the Web!

[1] Berners-Lee, Tim, Hall, Wendy, Hendler, James A., O'Hara, Kieron,
Shadbolt, Nigel and Weitzner, Daniel J. (2006) "A Framework for Web
Science." Foundations and Trends in Web Science, 1, (1), 1-130.

TWed Logistics (Fall 2012):
* TWed schedule:
* 7p-9p, 1st floor Winslow (1140)
* We try to alternate TWed Talks with TWed Hackspaces. The alternating
pattern of TWed Talks and TWed Hackspaces may "off" due to leader
availability and Institute scheduling.
* Pizza or snacks will be provided for TWed Talks
* Live video streams of TWed Talks will usually be available via ustream
* An archive of past TWed Talks are also available on ustream. Direct
links can be found in the schedule (below)
* TWed Talks from previous terms are archived; topical archive coming soon!

About TWed:
* "TWed Talks" are informal overview talks and tutorials on topics of
interest to the Tetherless World community. TWed gives members of the
lab the chance to share tools and expertise. TWed talks are not
lectures; they are expected to be highly interactive and fun. TWed
leaders are encouraged to include live "hack" activities in their
session plans.
* "TWed Hackspaces" during the TWed time are informal group work
sessions inspired by the Hackerspace movement. This is a time when TWC
people will "be around" and you can rely on the "right" people being
available to answer your questions and help with your hacks. This is
also a great opportunity for project teams to "hack" together on
problems, with the knowledge and resources of TWC surrounding you.


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